
Public Facing Viewer providing transparency to the Citizens

CompassAVL™ provides transparency to the public on operations, enabling the operations team to spend time getting work done rather than spending time taking calls and obtaining credit for the work done on a day to day basis.

CompassAVL™ snowplow

Why Provide the Information?

  • Improve transportation safety
  • Community engagement and education
  • View multiple workflows on different webpages plowing, sweeping, solid waste, mowing
  • Educate citizens on organization on accomplishments
  • Promote career opportunities for new potential staff
  • Reduce complaint calls
  • Reduce media questions
  • Enhance agency image
Compass AVL enables citizens to see plowed and unplowed road conditions prior to any departure from their home or business

Snowplows - Citizens can be assured of a safer trip by looking at road conditions BEFORE departure

  • Plan your trip before you leave
  • See recently plowed roads
  • Estimated time of plowing
  • Decay of plowed routes over time
  • Geofenced locations for display omission

CompassAVL™ snowplow map

CompassAVL™ - street-sweeping

Compass AVL enables citizens transparency into your organizations sweeping near real time and upcoming sweeping plans:

Sweeping - Citizens have an indication of the swept roads and plans for upcoming sweeping activities.

  • Reduces roadway obstructions through clear communication
  • Displays sweeping progress
  • Educates the community on sweeping progress
  • Validates environmental concerns

Sprayers and Weed Control - Reassuring your citizens that insecticide chemicals are not being used more than necessary.

In mosquito-prone areas where sprayers are scheduled, citizens can know when and where the eradication is taking place.

The same is true with weed control: Show that your organization is working to kill aggressive weed species while being environmentally responsible

Compass AVL - Sprayers & Weed Control

Compass AVL - waste management

Compass AVL enables citizens transparency into your organizations on-going and planned waste pickup:

Waste Management - Provide the active waste & bulk pickup in near real-time and historically

  • Visualize waste pickup planning
  • Minimizes calls on when and where trash pick up occurs
  • Better communication to the community
  • Validates environmental concerns

Phone: +1 (303) 680-3311