Public Works

Continuously providing Public Works AVL to the public works community by Snow Plow Tracking, Sweeper Tracking,Garbage Vehicles, Maintenance Vehicles, Fleet Vehicles, and Driver Safety.

CompassCom fleet tracking and management software applications provide real-time and historical information.  GIS-centric fleet telematics translates into actionable, data-driven intelligence that informs operations, resulting in optimized processes that help keep communities functioning effectively and safely.

Snow Plow tracking Software

Operational Efficiencies
  • More effective workflows through integrated solutions.
    • Snow Plow Tracking: Amount and location of Snow Materials spread through spreader control integration
    • Garbage pickup dispute through arm up/down integration
    • Engine health through engine diagnostics integration
    • Chemical spread for environmental and material tracking
    • Dispute resolution
  • Optimize fleet routing and field crew planning.
  • Enhanced visibility into operations leading to better decision making with regards to asset use, maintenance, and management to maximize capital investments.
  • Improved driver safety.
  • Supports regulatory compliance.
Constituent Satisfaction
  • Enhanced public engagement and civic inclusion
  • More expedient, data-driven dispute resolution
  • Increased transparency

Snow Plow GPS tracking

Street sweeper GPS tracking

User Case Study:

Phone: +1 (303) 680-3311